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We're there for your clients

In 2022, we supported our customers in times of need by making a total of $210 million in claims payments. Our proactive, fair, and transparent approach to assessing claims is aimed at understanding your customers' needs and supporting them to focus on what they can do. What’s more, if your customers ever need to make a claim, we’ll be there for them every step of the way.

Our claims approach

To help your clients achieve the best life they can, we want to provide more than just financial support. Our aim is to do more to help in the long-term and help clients and their families every step of the way.

We understand that making a claim often comes at a challenging and traumatic time. That’s why we’re here for your clients every step of the way.
We have experienced, caring case managers who will support your clients and keep them updated throughout the process. Our aim is to make the claims process as easy and clear as possible. Our case managers have a well-justified reputation for helping Kiwis in need.

You can find more information on how your customers can make a claim here

Benefits for your clients

  • Proactive and early intervention case management practices
  • Simple and more personal interactions driven through conversations and not forms
  • Sound and evidence based decision making
  • A tailored approach that focuses on the individuals circumstances
  • Rehabilitation and return to work support

What it means for you

  • More proactive contact by case managers throughout the lifecycle of a claim
  • Reassurance that your client has been given the support they need to reach their goals

Important information

Resolution Life Australasia Limited ABN 84 079 300 379, NZ Company No. 281363, AFSL No. 233671 (Resolution Life) is part of the Resolution Life Group. The content on this website is for information only. The information is of a general nature and does not constitute financial advice or other professional advice. Before taking any action, you should always seek financial advice or other professional advice relevant to your personal circumstances. While care has been taken to supply information on this website that is accurate, no entity or person gives any warranty of reliability or accuracy, or accepts any responsibility arising in any way including from any error or omission.

A disclosure statement is available from your Adviser, on request and free of charge.