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View your policy details

When you log in, you’ll see your personalised dashboard with an overview of all your Resolution Life products. Click through to view a snapshot of the most important information.

Update your contact details

You can also change your communication preferences to let us know if you’d like to hear from us by email or post.

Easily access the forms you need for your Resolution Life products

All the forms relevant to your Resolution Life products will be accessible in My Resolution Life.

Raise a range of requests to transact on your policy

Just complete the online form in My Resolution Life and sit back while we work on your request.

View your statements and correspondence

It’s all collated in one place for you to easily view and download a copy when you need to.

Update your payment and beneficiary details

Where it’s relevant to your Resolution Life product, you can add or update your banking details and manage the beneficiary information we have on file for you.

Contact Resolution Life

Simply complete the online form in My Resolution Life to let us know how we can help you. You can also skip the call queue and chat directly with one of our consultants by clicking the chat icon at the bottom right of the page, a consultant will help answer any of your questions.

Register now

You can now register for My Resolution Life with your email address. Follow a few simple steps to get your access today.

Important information

Resolution Life Australasia Limited ABN 84 079 300 379, NZ Company No. 281363, AFSL No. 233671 (Resolution Life). The content on this website is for information only. The information is of a general nature and does not constitute financial advice or other professional advice. Before taking any action, you should always seek financial advice or other professional advice relevant to your personal circumstances. While care has been taken to supply information on this website that is accurate, no entity or person gives any warranty of reliability or accuracy, or accepts any responsibility arising in any way including from any error or omission.

A disclosure statement is available from your Adviser, on request and free of charge.