Your ability to earn an income is probably your greatest asset. A regular income allows you and your family to acquire assets and finance the lifestyle you enjoy. Income Protection is designed to pay you an income if illness or injury means you’re unable to work for an extended period of time. A monthly benefit can help you to pay your bills or cover other financial commitments while you’re unable to work1.
The benefits of income protection:
- A secure source of income in the event you’re unable to work1 due to illness, accident or injury.
- Funding towards your monthly expenses, even if you cannot work1 due to illness, accident or injury.
- Financial support for your loved ones and dependents, regardless of your ability to work1 when you’re ill or injured.
Here’s what you get:
- A monthly benefit of up to 75% of your regular income.
- Additional benefits such as premium cover depending on options selected.
- Peace of mind knowing that you’ve got support to help meet your financial commitments.
Resolution Life also provides rehabilitation services to help you to regain control and independence, supporting your return to work.
1Refer to the relevant policy document for the terms and conditions that apply.
Documents and downloads
Risk Protection Plan
Deluxe income protection product guide Critical income protection product guide Yearly renewable income protection guide Upgrade booklet Direct debit authority formLifetrack
Income protection essentials product guide Income protection total product guide Direct Debit Authority Form - LifetrackGeneral
Change of name notification form Application for alteration to policy Certificate of non-revocation of power of attorney Identity verification - Individual formHelpful Links
Important Information
Resolution Life Australasia Limited ABN 84 079 300 379, NZ Company No. 281363, AFSL No. 233671 (Resolution Life). This information provides a general summary of the key features of the products described and is subject to change without notice. Terms, conditions, criteria, definitions and exclusions apply as set out in the relevant policy document and schedule. In addition, waiting periods, qualifying periods, no claims periods, and/or survival periods may apply. Full details are set out in the policy document and schedule, which is available on request. Applications for cover are subject to approval by Resolution Life Underwriting.
A disclosure statement is available from your Adviser, on request and free of charge.